
Keren Hachomesh

Charitable Foundation

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ע"ש הרבנית הצדקנית מרת חי' מושקא ע"ה ז"ל שניאורסאהן

מיסודו של כ"ק אדמו"ר רבי מנחם מענדל זצוקללה"ה נבג"מ זי"ע שניאורסאהן מליובאוויטש

Keren Hachomesh

On the 22nd of Shevat 5748, February 10, 1988, the Rebbe returned from the funeral of his wife of 60 years, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, led the afternoon prayers and recited Kaddish in their home on President Street in Brooklyn. The Rebbe’s profound sadness was palpable.

Immediately upon returning from her levaya, the Rebbe asked Rabbi Krinsky to arrange for the establishing of a charitable organization–Keren Hachomesh–with a mandate to support women in need and various charitable causes related to Jewish women and girls. This was the only time the Rebbe founded a new organizational corporation outside of the three organizations established by the Frierdiker Rebbe.

The Rebbe would encourage donations in the amount of 470 (the numerical value of the Rebbetzin’s name) in order to perpetuate the Rebbetzins legacy. This past year alone many organizations received grants & countless individuals were helped in a discreet and dignified manner befitting the foundations namesake.

As a fund that holds profound personal significance to the Rebbe, the participation in its efforts is indeed a privilege and honor.

Keren Hachomesh in

Over the years, Keren Hachomesh has faithfully stayed the course of serving a variety of causes, primarily educational and social services for women and girls:


Grants to single mothers raising their families enabling them to line with dignity.


Grants for brides in need allowing them to celebrate with peace of mind.

Total raised in 2023


Food Gifts
New mothers
Single MOthers
Struggling Families
Brides & Grooms
Widows & Orphans
Jewish Education


Women's Mikvah's completed / renovated ensuring the continuity of our people


Organizations assisted in their vital work on behalf of Jewish Women and Girls

Total distibuted in 2023
